Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Holy Spirit Words

This is from November 5, 2012.

"Just say what God tells you at that time, for it is not you who will be speaking, but the Holy Spirit." Mark 13:11

Today I headed for the track outside of school to start walking. Usually when I go out to walk I am with my walking peeps, but today I was the first one out there. I started walking and praying about what I should write about. I prayed for just the right words. I don’t want to just write something just for the sake of writing. I know that I probably won’t write something everyday, so when nothing came to mind I figured today was a pass. Then I got home and started reading Facebook and the verse above jumped out at me. How’s that for God answering prays!

Sometimes when we are facing an unfamiliar or uncomfortable situation we plan out what we are going to say. We rehearse what we will say, sometimes having way more bravado then we really have. We even practice what the other person will say.

It doesn’t even have to be a bad situation that we plan for. Sometimes we will speak to others and are nervous about it. We plan for those situations. We think it is okay since these are good situations. We think it is okay since there is nothing wrong with being prepared, right? But sometimes there is something wrong with it.

God doesn’t want us to do that. He doesn’t want us to rehearse or prepare for the difficult conversations or even the positive ones. He wants to give us just the right words at just the right time. The Holy Spirit wants us to exercise our faith in Him and let Him give us the right words at the right time. We need to be obedient to Him and stop trying to think and plan it out, and just trust that His words are the right ones.

Today, He reminded me that these devotions aren’t about my thoughts or ideas or words, there about His!

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