Sunday, January 6, 2013

On Second Thought

This is from November 28, 2012.

"Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love." Ephesians 4:2

Yesterday I was at Wal-Mart and rolled my cart up to the check out. I noticed that the cashier and the customer in front of me didn’t say much. Letting it slide I started putting my groceries on the belt. I didn’t have much and I was thinking about how much I just wanted to get home. The other customer left and it was my turn. I was still putting items on the belt and I heard the cashier start to ring my stuff up.

“What no ‘hello’?” I thought! I mean this is the South where cashiers talk to customers like they are old friends. I was tempted to be annoyed that this Wal-Mart cashier’s silence. Then I looked at her. She looked exhausted. She was an older woman and she leaned on the counter as if her feet were killing her.

I decided to put on my best smile and try to be as cheerful and pleasant as I could be. I felt she needed a kind customer much more than I needed a cashier who said “hello”. There still wasn’t much conversation, this Northern still finds it hard to start conversations with total strangers, but I smiled and spoke kindly to her at the end of the interaction.

I needed a reminder to be patient with others and to not focus on their faults, but rather to be gentle and loving towards them.

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