Sunday, March 24, 2013

Reproof Can Make Me Smart

"The ear that listens to life-giving reproof will dwell among the wise. Whoever ignores instruction despises himself, but he who listens to reproof gains intelligence." Proverbs 15:31-32

Who likes having faults or shortcomings pointed out? Um, nobody. The verses do not say we have to like it, which is good because that would be nearly impossible. The verses say that we need to listen. That's it, listen.

Does this mean that we have to listen to people say bad things about us? Put us down? Nag us? No. It says we need to listen to life-giving reproof. If the reproof we are getting will help us live, spiritually, emotionally, and practically, then we need to listen. If we listen we will get to hang out with the wise. I would much rather hang with the wise then with those who are self-absorbed, foolish, arrogant, etc. Not only do we get to spend time with the wise we will also gain intelligence. Which is good because it is hard to hang out with the wise and not have intelligence.

The second verse also mentions instruction. I think the statement "whoever ignores instruction despises himself" (or herself) is pretty powerful. Despises! I sometimes don't like the stuff I do, my hang-ups can frustrate me at times, but despise myself! I certainly don't despise myself, but if I don't listen to instruction, life-giving instruction, then I do.

Of course, this verse also makes me think of my responsibility for what I say. In our lives we sometimes have to give reproof and instruction. It isn't always easy to do that, and it is extremely important that when we do it is life-giving. If it isn't then we need to either just keep quiet, or we need to ask God to give us the words to make it life-giving. I am sure that the wise give life-giving reproof and life-giving instruction, and the fool just talks.

We need to listen to when we are getting life-giving reproof and instruction. It will make us wise friends and gain intelligence. It's hard to do, but I think wisdom and intelligence are worth it.

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