Monday, March 4, 2013

Burden Sharing

"Bear one another's burdens,and so fulfill the law of Christ" Galatians 6:2

I know what you are thinking. You're thinking this is going to be about how we need to be there for others and share their burdens. Well, it's not.

Instead, when I read this verse today, I felt God speaking to me that I need to share my burdens with others. I tend to bottle things up and keep things to myself. I believe the lies that others don't want to know my issues and even if they did they have their own issues and don't want to bear mine. I think my problems aren't "important" enough. They aren't big enough to even bother other people with. Of course, there are also those issues that I don't want anyone to even know about. And there are the ones that I think no one can possibly understand what I feel, what I'm going through.

The truth is these are lies. Satan doesn't want us to share our needs, vulnerabilities with others. He wants us to live alone, in fear, shut off from others. He wants us alone, broken. He certainly doesn't want us to share our burdens because then we give someone else the opportunity to fulfill the law of Christ.

So we have to make a choice, I have to make a choice. Do I share my burdens with others or do I keep them to myself?

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