Monday, August 19, 2013

Search Me and Lead Me, O God

"Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me and know my anxious thoughts; and see if there be any hurtful way in me, and lead me in the everlasting way." Psalm 139:23-24

We like to think that we know our selves so well, but the truth is we don't. There is only one who knows our every thought, fear, feeling, dream, hope, and dread. Read all of Psalm 139 and you will see this is true.

God know us even before we were born, He knit us together in our mother's womb. I do not knit, sometimes I think I'd like to learn. Yet I do quilt. I take pieces of material and sew them together. The more pieces I sew the more the pattern starts to become evident. I have a plan when I quilt, a specific pattern. God has a plan as He knits us together. He know exactly what out makeup is because He's the one who made us up.

Knowing that brings a seems of freedom, a sense of peace. I know I have messed up. I know I have sinned. I know I have feared. I know that I have been gracious. I know that I have shown kindness. I know things about me, but there is still so much more about me that I don't know. Knowing that He does calms me. He already knows my next idle word or unkind thought. He already knows the next time I will be loving towards someone. Regardless of whether my next move is good, bad, or really ugly, He knows me and loves me.

He is waiting for me to ask Him to lead me. I need His lead. I have my own plans, but they are so small, so insignificant. I need to be lead in His way, for His way is everlasting. Notice He said that He is the Way? I just thought we don't all walk the same path, otherwise we'd be bumping into each other and knocking each other off. The path that He has set my feet on looks different than the path He set your feet on, but both paths are led by Him.

Now, I'm not saying "all paths lead to Heaven" because they don't some paths lead to destruction and Hell. I need to make sure that I'm on His path, following the Way. How do I do that? I ask Him to lead and I follow.

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