Sunday, December 15, 2013

Foot Washers Needed

"Now before the Feast of the Passover, when Jesus knew that his hour had come to depart out of this world to the Father, having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end. During the supper, when the devil had already put it into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, to betray him, Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he had come from God and was going back to God, rose from supper. He laid aside his outer garments, and taking a towel, tied it around his waist. Then he poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples' feet and to wipe them with the towel that was wrapped around him. He came to Simon Peter, who said to him, "Lord, do you wash my feet?" Jesus answered him, "What I am doing you do not understand now, but afterward you will understand." Peter said to him, "You shall never wash my feet." Jesus answered him, "If I do not wash you, you have no share with me." Simon Peter said to him, "Lord, not my feet only but also my hands and my head!" Jesus said to him, "The one who has bathed does not need to wash. except for his feet, but is completely clean. And you are clean, but not every one of you." For he knew who was to betray him; that was why he said, "Not all of you are clean."
When he had washed their feet and put on his outer garments and resumed his place, he said to them, "Do you understand what I have done to you? You call me Teacher and Lord, and you are right, for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet. For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you." John 13:1-15

Most Christians know this story. Some have participated in feet washing activities, and realize how humbling it is to have your feet washed. They also realize how powerful it to wash someone else's feet. I have participated myself and know both experiences.

A little history lesson, the custom of the day was to wash the feet of guests. People wore sandals and it was a dusty place. People's feet would be covered in dust, be hot, and tired. The washing of the feet would remove the dirt, cool the feet, and make tired feet feel better. The host of the house would have servants or slaves wash the feet of the guests. Just from a customs' standpoint, Jesus was not the host of the house where they were having supper. Therefore it was not His job to see that the feet were washed, let alone wash the feet Himself. Yet He washed their feet.

Jesus still does this very thing in our lives today.

Our parents may range from wonderful to bad to people who should have never had children. Regardless, of where they fall on the continuum there are things that they should have done for us that they didn't, couldn't, or just wouldn't. We are left with hurts and gaps in our lives. Jesus knows what should have been done for us, and He comes into our lives and does for us what we didn't get.

This can be true in any number of relationships: spouses, siblings, friends, teachers, bosses, co-workers, almost anyone who has even a little significance in our lives. There are many ways that these hurts, holes, and hot spots may have gotten into our hearts and minds. But Jesus can step into anyone of these areas and does the work to wash away the hurt, fills the holes, and soothes the heat out.

Some of us are like many of the disciples who allowed Him to wash their feet. We let Him in and let Him heal and fill the holes in our lives. Some of us are like Peter, and we think we are doing Him a favor by not allowing Him access. It takes Jesus telling us that if we don't let Him then we have no part of Him for us to allow Him to wash us, heal us, and save us.

But it doesn't end there. Verse 15 tells us that He was an example for us and that we need to follow His example. If He is a part of us, like He said to Peter, then we must allow Him to use us. He gives us opportunities to wash the feet of others by being for them what they need. He tells us to give them something, serve them, pray with them, feed them, etc. no matter how dirty, smelly, or even demeaning the job may be. When we have the opportunity, we must be like Jesus. We need to do the job that may not have been ours to do, but He has given us the opportunity to do. We need to be willing to be feet washers.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Butterfly Transformation

"And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." Philippians 1:6

When you become a follower of Christ you start a process that, hopefully, will continue throughout your life. It is a process of transformation. The process of being transformed from our old, sinful life to becoming more like Christ. The end result of this process is indeed good, but the process certainly doesn't feel good most of the time.

It is very much like becoming a butterfly. We start off the process as a worm looking, caterpillar. Caterpillars are ugly. They crawl around eating leaves. Their movement is slow. There are few people who get excited about seeming a caterpillar, but I believe God loves seeing us in the caterpillar stage. He knows that we don't stay caterpillars.

The next stage of our transformation is in the form of a chrysalis, many call if a cocoon but it is a chrysalis. While in the chrysalis the caterpillar's tissue is broken down and the butterfly body forms. It doesn't seem like much is happening at this stage but big change is actually happening. During this time the caterpillar/butterfly is fragile. It has no way to see danger coming and can't protect itself. The chrysalis is so important to keep the it safe from the elements and from attack. The breaking down process that we go through is hard, painful and we often do not understand it. Thankfully we do not go through this part without protection either. God wraps Himself around us and will not allow us to be destroyed by the anything.

As hard as that stage is the next one is the hardest. This is the stage when the butterfly has to struggle to break free of the chrysalis. It still seems as if nothing is happening and then the chrysalis starts to shake. It is shaking because the butterfly inside is about to emerge. The butterfly struggles to break free and gains strength in the struggle. As a matter of fact, if you try to help the butterfly emerge you will actually kill it because it never gain the strength to use its wings. This is the hardest stage for us as well. We seem to be going along turning from a yucky caterpillar to a butterfly when it becomes time to break free of the protective chrysalis that God has put around us. It's not that He removes his protection from us, but He does want us to break free of the old us. He allows a time of struggle to help us break free of what we used to be to become who He has planned us to be. This struggle helps build strength in us, His strength.

Then it is a butterfly. Its wings need to dry from the fluid from the chrysalis. It only takes about an hour and then the butterfly is able to fly. We have a time after we break out of our chrysalis that we need to wait to fly, but when it's time to fly we take off like the butterfly. God has such a good plan for each of us and He wants us to fly into it.

This transformation has recently taken place in my life and just today the Lord told me that my wings are dry and it's time to fly! I have no idea, really, of where the flight will take me, but I am looking forward to the journey! I know that there will be more caterpillar to butterfly transformation times in my life, but it's okay because I also know "that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ."

Sunday, November 10, 2013

God Is the Shield About Me and the Lifter of My Head

"But you, O Lord, are a shield about me,
my glory, and the lifter of my head."
Psalm 3:3

Have you ever seen a shield? Well, if not in real life, have you at least seen a picture of one? There have been round shields, long oblong shields, wooden shields, metal shields, and SWAT team shields. Shields were flat until someone figured out to make them curved. Even the best shield available doesn't do what the shield mentioned here does.

You see we fight against an enemy who will attack us from every area. He stabs us in the back through relationships. He attacks our thought life. He pokes at the soft spots in our hearts. He has no problem going for the Achilles heal or the jugular. A typical shield just can't protect us from all of the ways he can attack. Instead the Lord is this shield that goes about us. He is able to wrap all the way around us, covering us from any possible attack.

What an amazing, comforting assurance! Too bad there are times that we don't stay within the shield. I understand stepping out of the protective surround and opening myself up to satan's attacks. I have just spent some time, much too much time, letting him smack me around, letting him attack my mind and my heart. I didn't even realize that was what I was allowing. All I knew was that I was sinking into a endless pit of crazed thoughts and flailing emotions.

The other day, I came to realize that the problems I was facing were not just a "me" issue. I realized it as I was getting ready for the day and I couldn't even lift my head to look at myself in the mirror. The other part of this verse came to my mind, "and the lifter of my head", and I knew that something was very wrong. So, I did the only smart thing possible I went running to God and asked Him to protect me. He showed me the spiritual attacks that I was being assaulted with and I took authority over them in His Name.

Two things quickly became true: I felt my very being surrounded by the protection of the Lord and I was able to lift my head. I went back to the mirror in my bathroom and looked myself full in the face. I was able to smile and know that God's shield was wrapped all around me.

This verse comes from Psalms and specifically one that David wrote when running for his life from his own son. David's life shows us that satan will attack and that he is trying to kill and destroy us. He tries to destroy a man after God's own heart, and he will try to destroy each of us. The other key word from the this verse is the first one "But". Satan will chase us down and try to kill us, But God is our shield. Satan will try to shame us to the point that we can't even lift up our head, But God is the lifter of our heads. Remember that no matter what attack satan throws your way, But God and trust in Him to be the protector you need and the lifter of your head.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Difference the Trial Phase Makes

"Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him." James 1:12

This was the verse that came up today on the app on my phone. It seems to be following a trend of verses that God has exposed me to in the last few days. It's one of those, "I know that you are going through something, but I am taking you through. Don't give up!" You know those kind of verses?

When I am going through rough times, whether they are challenges that others can understand or ones that no one seems to comprehend, I need these verses. The ones that remind me that there is an end and there is a promise. Most importantly it's a verse that lets me know He is with me.

I can admit that there are times when verses like this make me angry. Deep in the midst of the trial, when the challenges seem to be killing me, this kind of verse frustrates me. I wish that it didn't, but I have to be honest that it does. God know exactly what I need to hear and when, and He knows how I will react when I see it.

A few days ago, when a similar verse popped up on my phone app, I was angry. I didn't want to hear it. When I read the verse today my reaction was quite different. Today I saw it for the promise that it is, the promise of an end, a reward, and His presence. What's the difference?

The difference is where I am in the trial. When I am in the right place of the trial, the healing, then I can accept a verse like this. God doesn't stop making the promise just because of where I am though. He is ever present. His promises are always true and they do not waiver. I waiver. I am changing. I sometimes live in the past or the future, and ignore the present. Thankfully, God knows all of that and His Word is always true.

Know that He knows where you are in the trial. He knows how you will react to His Word. He knows when it is too hard to believe and when it is easy to believe. Keep reading His Word and know that He will always be with you!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

From Dead Leaves to Blooms

"O Lord, you have brought up my soul from Sheol; you restored me to life from among those who go down to the pit." Psalms 30:3

This is a double lavender impatiens that was all but dead since I got it. My sister-in-law received it from a student. Unfortunately, it is a shade plant and her yard is not shady. Mine, however, is very shady. I brought it home and hung it from a branch on my dogwood tree. It would received all the necessary shade to grow. But it didn't.

I watered it, picked off the dead leaves, and made sure it was in the shadiest spot under the tree. But it was dying. It got to the point where there were only three very sad stems sticking up with no more than eight leaves between them. I was ready to give up and through it away. Then the weather changed.

The days got cooler and the sun was less intense. I noticed that it was gaining leaves, so I decided to see what happened. Now it has a few flowers and buds! It's October and it was close to death and now it thrives.

Our lives can be just like this flower. We can be in the right place, getting feed, and pruned, but be close to death. Some will look at us and think, "Throw her away. She's dead!" Others may decide that even though we look dead they'll wait until we are good and dead to throw us out. Thank God, He knows that we aren't dead.

He knows that we are going through a death process, a process that the bad is being removed from our lives. It looks ugly, feels dry and withering, and leads to thoughts of just giving up. But God knows that there will be a change in our weather. He knows that the right conditions are coming. Once they come we start to grow. We start to bloom. We start to flower. Others look at us in amazement and shake their heads wondering how we survived. 

It's simple really, the Lord restored our lives from the ones that go down to the pit. Trust Him and His timing. He knows the seasons of our lives and He knows that our Spring is coming. 

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Feel Like Dying Grass

" 'All flesh is like grass and all its glory like the flower of grass. The grass withers, and the flower falls, but the word of the Lord remains forever.' And this word is the good news that was preached to you." 1 Peter 1:24-25

This verse come up on the app on my phone today. I read it twice, because it touched me. I found such comfort in it.

As we all know, grass dies and flowers only last for a season. The verse says all flesh withers and falls, dies. It would be easy to focus on the fact that we die, to think that it is hopeless. But the verses don't end there.

It goes on to talk about the fact that the word of the Lord remains forever. Jesus is the Word. He reigns forever.

I don't know about you, but I tend to get stuck on the first part, the dying part. Maybe it's a dying a season in my life, okay maybe is the wrong word. I am going through a dying season. The old, ugly parts that God wants to remove is clinging on, but I trying to pry it's fingers off and send it packing. In this stage I feel like dying grass, I feel like I am withering. I guess that's because I am. I feels like a bad thing, but it's not. It is a necessary thing; no matter how painful.

Then I need to focus on the second part of the verse. Through the whole process, the dying, Jesus remains. He is always with me. He loves me right through the dying process. He reminds me that I am not alone, that He will never leave me. Knowing that truly is the good news. He id the Word and He is the Good News!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Unknown Blessings and Honor

"For you bless the righteous, O Lord; you cover him with favor as with a shield." Psalm 5:12

The other night my Bible study group was going through John 1-5 and noticing all that John wrote about who Jesus is. He is the Word, He is the Light, He is the Living Water, and so much more. One story that we focused on was when Jesus turned the water into wine.

We talked about why He did it. One of my friends mentioned that He was honoring His mother. I never thought of that. Jesus did tell her that His time had not come yet, and I would take that as a "no". But He turned the water into wine anyway.

The story also goes on to state that the servants were the only ones who knew what He had done. Then the master of the feast goes to the bridegroom and tells him that unlike others he has saved the best wine for the last. It was the custom to serve the cheap wine well into the celebration, after everyone is good and drunk. But Jesus turned the water into wine and raised the bridegroom's status in Cana.

We have no idea who this man was. We don't know his standing, but it had to have increased with the wine that Jesus provided for him. The best part is he didn't even know that Jesus had done it. Only the servants knew. He must have wondered how it happened that his best wine was saved, yet we know that it wasn't.

I have to think whoever this man was he was a righteous man. God blessed him through His Son and gave him favor. Sometimes we are blessed by God through ways that only He can make happen. He gives us favor and we don't even know how He made it happen. We just need to keep walking in His way and He will bless us and honor us, even when we have done nothing to bring it to pass.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Search Me and Lead Me, O God

"Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me and know my anxious thoughts; and see if there be any hurtful way in me, and lead me in the everlasting way." Psalm 139:23-24

We like to think that we know our selves so well, but the truth is we don't. There is only one who knows our every thought, fear, feeling, dream, hope, and dread. Read all of Psalm 139 and you will see this is true.

God know us even before we were born, He knit us together in our mother's womb. I do not knit, sometimes I think I'd like to learn. Yet I do quilt. I take pieces of material and sew them together. The more pieces I sew the more the pattern starts to become evident. I have a plan when I quilt, a specific pattern. God has a plan as He knits us together. He know exactly what out makeup is because He's the one who made us up.

Knowing that brings a seems of freedom, a sense of peace. I know I have messed up. I know I have sinned. I know I have feared. I know that I have been gracious. I know that I have shown kindness. I know things about me, but there is still so much more about me that I don't know. Knowing that He does calms me. He already knows my next idle word or unkind thought. He already knows the next time I will be loving towards someone. Regardless of whether my next move is good, bad, or really ugly, He knows me and loves me.

He is waiting for me to ask Him to lead me. I need His lead. I have my own plans, but they are so small, so insignificant. I need to be lead in His way, for His way is everlasting. Notice He said that He is the Way? I just thought we don't all walk the same path, otherwise we'd be bumping into each other and knocking each other off. The path that He has set my feet on looks different than the path He set your feet on, but both paths are led by Him.

Now, I'm not saying "all paths lead to Heaven" because they don't some paths lead to destruction and Hell. I need to make sure that I'm on His path, following the Way. How do I do that? I ask Him to lead and I follow.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Let the Redeemed Say So

"Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom He has redeemed from trouble." Psalm 107:2

Lately, an old song from my growing up years keeps going through my mind. I know there is more to the song, at least I think there is, but the part that keeps going through is, "let the redeemed of the Lord say so". Before you continue reading this post I think you should take a moment to read the whole chapter of Psalm 107.

Okay, did you read it? If not, go read it!

I love that this chapter gives examples of some of the different people that should say so. God brings so many different people to Him. We all come from different experiences. Some of us have been wanderers. Some of us have rebelled against God. Some of us have been fools. Some of us have had roller coaster lives. But when we called upon the Lord He delivered each of us. No matter where we came from, no matter what we have experienced or put other selves through, He has delivered us, and we need to announce it.

When I am out in public, at the store for example, I see people whose lives declare that they are still lost. I also see those whose lives seem to declare that they have been redeemed. I hope that when people see me and my life that they see that I have been redeemed. I hope that my life declares that the Lord has redeemed me.

I could vocally declare that He has set me free, and I should. But if I'm checking out at the grocery store will the cashier be more impressed with my words or my actions? Will she see that I am patiently waiting while an item refuses to ring up? When someone cuts me off in traffic will others be more impressed with the Christian music on my car radio or with how I react? Will others see that I just continue to drive safely and not ride the car's bumper?

It is very important for me to say what He has done for me. To declare that He has redeemed me. It is also so very important that the people who can't hear my words will see my actions, and that He has redeemed me and my life says so.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Power To Make Satan Bow

"Therefore God has highly exalted Him and bestowed on Him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." Philippians 2:9-11

The other day I was lying in bed and satan started chirping in my mind. He was stirring up, old garbage that has been dealt with. I laid there listening to it and started to feel like yuck, when I decided that he just needed to shut up.

Sometimes I just tell him to "shut up". Sometimes I get really into it and rebuke him and tell him who I belong to and the whole nine yards. Once I even told him to go to Hell. This time I just didn't have much in me to fight back, but I think I used the most powerful force possible. I simply said, "Jesus". and I just said His name over and over and over again. Soon satan was silent and gone.

Satan can stand a lot of things from us. He doesn't really mind those scripted, pious prayers. If you are truly saying it that's one thing, but if it's just words it he's heard it before. Some plead the blood, which is found nowhere in Scripture. Look it up if you don't believe me. The blood of Jesus covers our sins. There are any number of other ways that people try to deal with the attacks and whispers of satan.

The Bible gives a wonderful, easy way to deal with him. Say the name of Jesus. That's it! Look at verse 10. "so that AT the NAME of JESUS EVERY knee shall bow, in HEAVEN and on EARTH and UNDER THE EARTH. Under the earth is referring to Hell. Even there satan has to bow to the name of Jesus. He has no choice. He hears it and it affects him. He hears it enough that he can't do anything but bow, and he would much rather flee than bow. So he flees.

This is such a simple reminder to me that I don't have to listen to him. I don't have to let anxiety control me. I don't have to let the past affect me. I don't have to let any attacks of satan, and sometimes those come in human skin form, assail against me. I can simply say the name of Jesus, as much as I need, because there is incredible power in His name.

Friday, August 9, 2013

One of Those Ouch Verses

"Let bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you." Ephesians 4:31-32

Ouch! These verses were perfect for me today, and I can't say that I really like them very much. I hate when I read devotions where the author writes about verses like these as if that is so easy. It is so not!

Do you see the incomplete list of malice there? We have bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and slander to name just a few. These words are not synonyms. Just because you have anger doesn't mean that you will go around slandering other people. Of course, if you are angry you could slander people. Bitterness can be poisoning just me or it could come out as wrath on others around me.

Now if I'm going to be honest if someone hurts me I feel anger towards them and depending on how badly I've been hurt bitterness does take root. I don't tend to slander people though or act upon wrath. Now clamor is so not me. Clamor is shouting and confusing, imagine arguments on "reality" TV shows. People are just yelling at each other and it's almost impossible to understand what anyone is saying. Yea, so not me.

Well, back to the verses. I have been feeling so serious anger lately and the last thing I really want to do is be kind or tenderhearted. And forgive! No, I don't want to forgive. But I have to forgive. My anger may be hurting others, but it might not. Others might not even know that I'm angry. The same goes for forgiveness. The other person might not even know that they did something or said something they need to be forgiven for. Regardless, I need to forgive. When I forgive I feel peace. The anger and bitterness seem to just melt away.

Of course, when I read the final words of the verse "as God in Christ forgave you" I have a real hard time hanging on to my anger and not forgiving. God forgave me and He did through the sacrifice of His Son. When I really think about that there is no way I can not forgive. So today's verse was perfect for me today. Is it meant for you too?

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Like An Ark

"Then put in the ark the tablets of the covenant law, which I give you." Exodus 25:16

This might seem like a strange verse to get a message from God about, but I did get one as I read it. Also, the message had such far reaching parts that I could never write them all down here. Hopefully this post will finish one thought fully and speak to you.

As I read this verse, I heard God say that we are like the Ark of the Covenant. In us He wants to place all that He has to give us, commands yes, but also love, redemption, fellowship, etc. Of course, we have to be willing to have all of this placed in us. He doesn't force it on us, He gives it willingly and wishes for us to accepted the same way.

In the Old Testament the Ark of the Covenant held the laws that God gave to them. The covenant law to be precise. Not every law was put in the Ark. It wasn't like new laws were added, as they were, and the top was lifted and in they went. No, these were the covenant laws. The laws given that explained what He would do for His people, and what they must do in return. A covenant is an agreement, so these laws were the ones that govern that agreement.

Today, if we accept Him into our lives, then we have a covenant too. This one is a bit different, it isn't full of must dos and don'ts like the original one. (Not that we are free to just whatever, well sort of we are, but we're not. That's confusing and not for today.) We are in a covenant relationship but this time instead of us making sacrifices, which were required in the Old Testament covenant, He made The Sacrifice. We accept His sacrifice and are saved, and He places all that He has given in us.

This covenant is up close and personal. He wants to be in relationship with us. In the Old Testament covenant, you couldn't touch the Ark. If you did you would die. Even though He was found in the Ark (not that He was bottled up inside of it) people could only get so close to it. We have no such barrier now. Remember when Christ died the curtain was torn from the top to the bottom. The curtain that separated the very presence of God from the people. He torn it from the top down to show that there was no longer a need for a separation. He now didn't need to live in a temple, behind a curtain, or in an ark. He can now live within us.

We aren't boxes intricately carved and holding a distant God. We are however, made new in Him and He dwells within us, when we accept Him. As He dwells within us and shows us all that He is and does, we change. We become more intricate, more beautiful, more like Him. We let Him shine through us, and those around us see Him. They don't have to stay away from us or Him in us. Hopefully, they will see how He makes us beautiful and see Him in us and desire it as well.

We are like arks that He dwells in and makes beautiful.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Still Small Voice

"The Lord said, "Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by." Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper." 1 Kings 19:11-12

The other day a friend made a comment about how I hear from God all the time. I was kind of surprised, because I don't. I wish I did. I miss most of what He is saying. I have screamed at Him to speak to me when I can't hear His voice and I want to. I told her that I don't hear His voice as much as she thinks, and often I have to hear Him through others. It isn't always so much a voice that I hear, but sometimes it is.

Then yesterday I read about how He is the still small voice in a devotional about the names of God. I smiled, because that is Him talking too. The devotional had me read a passage from 1 Kings 19 about Elijah when he ran away and hid in the cave. God speaks to him, asks him why he is there, and tells him to go out of the cave as He passes by. Now in the Old Testament people weren't supposed to see God. Only a few, like Moses, were allowed to see Him. Interestingly, Elijah does NOT go out onto the mountain like God told him to, but that's not the point today.

A wind, an earthquake, and a fire all pass by the mountain. Doing there damage and probably scaring Elijah out of his sandals. But God wasn't in any of those catastrophes. He came after, in a still small voice. That is when Elijah pulls his cloak over his face, remember he can't look upon God, and he goes to the mouth of the cave. He was again asked Elijah again why is he there.

I get so caught up focusing on the storms in my life that seem to pull me apart. I get so caught up on  the earthquakes that shake me at my roots. I get so caught up on the fire and trying to keep myself from being burned up by it. God isn't in those, oh He uses those to pull some stuff, shake some stuff, and burn off some stuff that I don't need in my life, but He isn't in them.

In Elijah's case He was making a point that He isn't all that loud stuff, He is a still small voice. For us, He speaks right through those things. His still small voice can pierce them and I can hear it. If I focus on the upheaval in my life and keep my eyes and ears focused on it then it is hard for me to hear Him. But He is speaking. His voice can penetrate the hardest heart and the loudest storm, but I have to listen for it. I have to ignore the stuff and listen, intently and patiently, to hear it. He is speaking. He is speaking to me right now.

He is speaking to you right now. As hard as it is, and it is very hard, take your mind, emotions, eyes, and ears off the storm as listen for the still small voice. You might not hear it right away. You might have to listen for a long time. But listen, don't speak. There is a time for speaking, a time to pray. but right now He wants you to listen. He wants you to hear Him. The still small voice is speaking.

(I don't know who this is for, but I know He is speaking it to someone right now. I hope you will take this moment and be quiet and listen.)

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Blind to the Truth

"Even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you." John 14:17

Sometimes I can't for the life of me figure out how people can't see the Truth. It frustrates me. I get exasperated, and I start being judgmental. I need to check myself when that happens. I can let go of the judgmental part, but I still try to wrap my brain around why they don't see the Truth.

Then I read this verse and He explains it. People who don't have the Holy Spirit can't see the Truth. They don't even know the Truth. (Mind flashed to A Few Good Men "you can't handle the truth". Sorry!) Not only do they not see Him or know Him they can't even receive Him. That is a very saddening thought to me.

This also makes me wonder about myself and other Christians who do know the Spirit. So we know Him, yet there are times, sometimes many times, when we don't see the Truth. There are times when I believe a lie. I mean really believe it to be Truth. Why do I do that? What makes me not see the Truth?

I guess it is because even though He dwells in me sometimes I don't dwell in Him. Sometimes I would rather  believe the easy, the flattering, or just simply my selfish wants and desires. What I need to do is dwell in Him and then instead of other things seeming as the Truth I will know the Truth.                      

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Birds Unite

"For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them." Matthew 18:20

I am truly blessed to live in a tree-filled neighborhood, which isn't as easy to find in the South as in the North. The shade is much appreciated in the HOT summers and keep my home snug in the colder winter months. (I couldn't write cold winter months because a New Yorker never forgets what a real cold winter is.) Yet the best part about all the trees is the birds. I have all kinds of birds: cardinals, finches, a blue jay, robins, and mourning doves, among many more. Recently I had a blue bird living in a birdhouse in my backyard.

I love watching them in my yard and trees. I love watching them swoop and chase each other. I adore the mourning dove couples that are always together. I really love when it seems like every cardinal in North Carolina has descended on my yard.

As much as I love watching I also learn from them. Have you ever seen a group of birds chasing a larger bird, like a hawk through the air? The hawk was trying to gain a quick meal and the birds gang up and chase it off. I've seen them chase squirrels and hear them screeching at cats. They will take turns and swoop down to peck at their enemy. Birds see the enemy and they unite.

We have an enemy and yet when we see him we try to fight alone. We keep his schemes quiet and for some reason we feel quilt or shame over what he has done. We don't chase him off. We don't screech loudly to call for help. We don't swoop in a peck away at him. No, we tend to hide, be quiet, and let him peck away at us.

But we can gather together and fight him. We can pray together. We can comfort and encourage each other. When we come together in His name He promises that He is there. Ultimately He fights for us, but He asks us to come together and unite. He wants us to share our burdens with each other. He wants us to pray with each other. He wants us to meet together and listen to Him as He shares with us. These are some of the ways to fight back against the enemy. He has given us authority, in His name, over the enemy and He has given us others to help us do so.

Next time you feel like going it alone call out to others instead and fight like the birds do, together.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Legalism or Love? Thankfully the Word Knows All!

"For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: 'You shall love your neighbor as you love yourself.' But if you bite and devour one another, watch out that you are not consumed by one another." Galatians 5:13-15

"For the word of God is living and active, sharpener than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart." Hebrews 4:12

I chose the two verses above after I did a search on verses that spoke to the idea of legalism. There are quite a few, even though the word doesn't actually appear in Scripture. This morning I jumped on Facebook and sometimes I click on the those boxes along the right side. You know the ones that tell me what my friends comment on or like. Some times it is pretty interesting and other times disturbing. This morning one was upsetting. I read something that was dripping with legalism. The sad thing, to me, is that a person took a gift of the Spirit and used it to say what people must do and that if they didn't then they didn't even have the Spirit of God in them.

I tend to be a black or white person. Something is either right or wrong, good, or evil. Sometimes that is a very good thing, but there are times when it is not. I have to make sure what I think or believe matches up with the Word. If it doesn't then it doesn't matter what I think. And even if it does match up with the Word, if I am not careful it becomes judgemental. If it becomes judgemental then it is like the verse above. It might become an issue of biting at someone and taking the risk of being consumed by them.

One way I can make sure that doesn't happen is to not become judgemental. The second verse mentioned says the Word will tell the difference. It knows the intention of the heart. It knows if my intention is to share the Truth in love or if it is to be right and rub someone else's nose in it. I struggle with this. I never want to come across as a know-it-all or as judgemental. I never want anyone to feel Bible thumped by me. You know the type, the ones who use the Word to brow beat people. I don't think that lines up with the command "You shall love your neighbor as you love yourself".

So what is the point of this devotion? Well, I wanted to be judgemental of the person who was taking on the role of God Himself on Facebook. Instead I have to rely on the One who knows all and knows the intentions of that man's heart. I have to make sure I stay in a place of love rather than judgement. I need to rely on the Word to teach me and help me show love when I want to show judgement. So the point? Well, for me it was to take a step back and look to the written Word. That tempered any anger I felt and any judgement I wanted to pass. The point is no matter what I need to look to Him.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Fly to the Light, Birdie!

"For it is you who light my lamp; the Lord my God lightens my darkness." Psalm 18:28

As I started to type this a birdie was stuck in my chimney. I could hear the poor thing frantically trying to figure out how to get back out. It breaks my heart to hear the poor thing struggling in there, and I call up to it, "fly up baby, fly up!" The birdie still struggles on, but I do know the light is coming. By now the frantic struggle is over. The sun is coming up and the birdie has seen the light. The birdie has looked to the light and flown away. Some of our struggles are just like this birdie's.

Since this is an almost daily occurrence in the Spring, or maybe I should say an almost evening or early morning experience, I have an idea of what traps the birdies. The birdies are playing and swooping and exploring when they fly into the top of my chimney. They aren't necessarily seeking a dark place but they end up there.

We aren't always seeking dark places, but we can end up there. We frantically try to find the way back out, but it seems that the opening we came through has been overcome by darkness. We call out and look for any possible light that will lead us out. Sometimes the darkness of our night seems to drag on and on. We wonder if it will ever end. Just like the birdie in my chimney, the light does come.

God lightens our darkness. We see Him and know that He is leading us out of the darkness. Although He wants us to call out to Him and He can bring the light at anytime, many times we have to wait. Just like the birdie waited for the daylight to shine into the chimney, sometimes we have to wait as we go through our dark places. Hopefully, that birdie will learn and not fly back down my chimney. Hopefully, we will have learned from our dark experiences and stay out of places that make it difficult for us to see the light.

My advice for today is for us is to look to the light and fly towards Him!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Stop Working Like You're Someone Else

"For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." Ephesians 2:10

One of the current buzz words in Christian circles right now is "serving". People are being asked to serve before, after, and during church services. People are being asked to serve for special events. People are being asked to serve at missions. People are being asked to serve and serve and serve.

What if there are people who do not like to serve? What if there are people who feel no calling to serve? Are they selfish? Are they not listening to God and doing what He is asking of them? Maybe some are, but I think most are not.

God made each and everyone of us differently. He gave some of us the gift of teaching. He gave some of us the gift of encouraging. He gave some of us the gift of administrating (certainly not me!). He gave some of us the gift of giving. He gave some of us the gift of listening. He gave some of us the gift of discernment. He gave some of us the gift of serving. And so many more different gifts.

God made us to be, well, us. He created us to do good work, His work. He created each of us uniquely and has a plan for us. If we try to work outside of His plan, because others make us feel we must, then are we really doing the good works that He prepared in advance? No, we are doing what others tell us Christians are supposed to do. We are doing what we may feel guilted into doing, from others or ourselves. What we aren't doing is working in His plan.

Don't let what you think you should be doing, because it is popular in Christian circles or some sort of religious rule or tradition, keep you from living as God's handiwork. You know the saying, "God doesn't make junk"? It's true. He made each and everyone of us specially gifted, and He has a prepared purpose for us. Now let's walk in it and see what He will do.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Truth Shall Set You Free

"So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed in Him, 'If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free'." John 8:31-32

I read this last night while reading the book Names of God: Exploring God's Character published by Thomas Nelson. It is kind of set up like a devotional with Scripture readings for the different names and attributes of God. I was reading The Truth section last night.

Anyway, I reread these verses and I thought, "that's the key!" Do you see the connection between abiding in His Word and being set free? IF you abide in the Word you are His disciple AND you will know the truth! AND knowing the truth will set you free. God of course is the Truth. So abiding in His Word means you will know Him, not just know about Him, but truly know Him. And knowing Him will set you free. Who doesn't want to be set free?!

Coming to a relationship with God, through acceptance of Christ, ultimately sets us free from eternity of death. You do not have to have ever read a word in His Word for that to happen. Really? Yes, people have come to Christ from just one word spoken by a believer. I know of a pastor in Haiti who, as a child, turned away from the plan for him to become a voodoo priest because a Christian man gave him a piece of candy. That led to him becoming a Christian. A piece of candy. I am sure most people do come to Christ because they have either spent time in His Word or someone else has sent time sharing the Word with them, but God can do ALL things. He can even bring people to salvation with candy.

Even after we become saved and walk in that ultimate freedom we still walk around without freedom. Fear binds us, depression binds us, lust binds us, arrogance binds us, selfishness binds, pride binds us, and on and on and on. So how do we get free from those things? I want to know because I am tired of my bondages kicking my butt! "If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." That's it abide in His Word!

But we have to abide in it. We have to abide, which means to remain in a place, to continue to be sure or firm; endure. We can't just pop in every once and awhile and check out His Word, we have remain in it. I am not talking about reading the Bible every day, although it's not a bad idea. I am talking about living it. Thinking about it, devouring it, digesting it, and letting it become apart of us. Anyone can just read the Bible, actually people who are against God read the Bible to refute it. We have to remain in it, continue to be sure and firm of what He is speaking through it and how He is making us more like Him through it, and we have to endure. We can't just give up because the freedom, from whatever we need freedom from, doesn't happen instantly or in our time frame. We must abide!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Turning Evil Into Good

"As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good..." Genesis 50:20a

Last night I had a dream. Now, let me start by saying most of my dreams make no sense at all. This one however did, well sort of.

I was at a house that apparently was mine. This man came along and said he owned the land and he was going to put in an underground garage. Yeah, that doesn't make much sense, but bare with me. In order to do this he needed to move my house. I protested, but he moved it. I was very upset that my house was moved. The workers came and started to tear apart a shed. They used some sort of machine to clear out the inside. When I realized what they were doing I became extremely upset.

It turns out that there were three small kittens in the shed and I was afraid that they were killed. I went into the shed and found one kitten, alive but injured. I gave the kitten to someone to take inside.I stayed in the shed for awhile, distraught that the other two kittens couldn't be found. Then a bag started to move. In the bag were the other two kittens and they were fine. I scooped them up and took them inside, rejoicing all the way.

Now, it still was a strange dream, but as soon as I woke up I heard God speak to me. He spoke the words of Genesis 50:20 to me. Over and over again I heard Him say that He meant it for good. Such a peaceful reminder that He is in control. No matter what plans satan has for me, no matter what havoc he tries to reek in my life, God will use it for good.

I believe the parts of this dream having meaning for me too, but the most important part is remembering that God is in control. I belong to Him and He has a perfect plan. Remember that as you go through confusing, even destrucive times in your life. He takes everything that satan means for evil and He works it for good.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Reproof Can Make Me Smart

"The ear that listens to life-giving reproof will dwell among the wise. Whoever ignores instruction despises himself, but he who listens to reproof gains intelligence." Proverbs 15:31-32

Who likes having faults or shortcomings pointed out? Um, nobody. The verses do not say we have to like it, which is good because that would be nearly impossible. The verses say that we need to listen. That's it, listen.

Does this mean that we have to listen to people say bad things about us? Put us down? Nag us? No. It says we need to listen to life-giving reproof. If the reproof we are getting will help us live, spiritually, emotionally, and practically, then we need to listen. If we listen we will get to hang out with the wise. I would much rather hang with the wise then with those who are self-absorbed, foolish, arrogant, etc. Not only do we get to spend time with the wise we will also gain intelligence. Which is good because it is hard to hang out with the wise and not have intelligence.

The second verse also mentions instruction. I think the statement "whoever ignores instruction despises himself" (or herself) is pretty powerful. Despises! I sometimes don't like the stuff I do, my hang-ups can frustrate me at times, but despise myself! I certainly don't despise myself, but if I don't listen to instruction, life-giving instruction, then I do.

Of course, this verse also makes me think of my responsibility for what I say. In our lives we sometimes have to give reproof and instruction. It isn't always easy to do that, and it is extremely important that when we do it is life-giving. If it isn't then we need to either just keep quiet, or we need to ask God to give us the words to make it life-giving. I am sure that the wise give life-giving reproof and life-giving instruction, and the fool just talks.

We need to listen to when we are getting life-giving reproof and instruction. It will make us wise friends and gain intelligence. It's hard to do, but I think wisdom and intelligence are worth it.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Problem-Talking Addiction

"Behold, God is my helper; the Lord is the upholder of my life." Psalm 54:4.

"What if breaking the addiction of talking about problems - breaks new ground to talk about our provider?" Ann Voskamp

First off I have this thing about quoting people. Not that people can't say things that are right or line up with the Word of God. They can, but they also can say things that just make us feel good or sound so "biblical" yet isn't even close. Anyway, I don't usually like to focus on quotes, but this one got me thinking.

I realized that this is so true for me. We are told that if we can just talk about it healing comes. Well, I know that in my experience that isn't always, okay rarely true. Yes, I am a "bottler" so I don't tend to talk about things that need to be talked about. There are things that I need to talk about. There are things that we all need to talk about. Talking about things isn't bad. It isn't the talking about things that is the problem.

The problem is I turn something good, like talking about problems, hurts, needs, into an addiction. I become addicted to talking about them. They become my idol, my sense of identity. I never reach the healing because I can't let go of what I talk about. I get stuck there. I get addicted.

I was thinking about an example. I have a weight problem. I can talk about my weight problem until the cows come home but my weight will not go down,actually it'll probably go up. The only way the weight is going to come off is to work out and eat right. My acknowledging my weight issue is good. Even talking about it is good, but if I get stuck talking about it then it won't change.

But I don't have to stay there. I can stop letting the addiction of talking about my problems keep me from healing. I can instead focus on talking about the One who does bring the healing. He brings all the provision I could possibly need. So, just like the Psalmist, I need to focus my talking on Him and all that He does to provide for me.

Next time I find myself talking about my problems I need to stop and decide "I'm I addicted to talking about this?" If the answer is "yes" then I need to stop and start talking about the One who provides all I need.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

I Never Knew You

"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?' And the will I declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.'" Matthew 7:21-23

This verse, well actually "I never knew you" keeps going through my mind. It has been something that I have been dwelling on for a few days, maybe a week, now. I know God has been speaking this to me because He wanted me to dig deeper. He didn't just want me to dig deeper, He wanted me to write about it too.

The thought that I couldn't shake was that of course He knows. He knows everyone that has lived, is living, and will live. He is omniscient so He knows. I had to figure out what "knew" really meant. I felt like I needed to know what "knew" meant in the original Greek, and I was excited when I realized that what I thought it meant was right on. The word in Greek is "ginosko" and it means to have a knowledge of someone through direct personal involvement or experience. It is used to describe an intimate relationship, even a martial intimate relationship between a husband and wife.

Jesus is saying that He has never had an intimate relationship with people who claim to do all these in His name. They were after His name, the glory they could claim from doing things in His name. They didn't want Him. They just used Him.

They used His name to lead people astray. They wanted followers and who better to steal followers from but God. All they have to do is be a little like Him. They speak in His name. They focus their message on love and claim it is His. They preach worship, which is what they seek. They make sure they are in the spotlight, working the crowds, gathering followers, and never even wanting a relationship with the One they claim to be doing it all through.

The Bible is full of warning of false prophets, of people who make it sound good, look good, and lead people to their spiritual death. We can continue to put our heads in the sand and pretend we don't know that these men and women are part of today's church and culture. But they are there. They have books. They have TV programs. They have blogs. They have devoted followers. They have people wrapped around their fingers. And if anyone dares to speak against what they preach, they claim intolerance. If anyone dares to question the beliefs that they are professing, they claim that jealousy is the motive. If anyone dares to show them the Word, they twist it. They smile and say things that make the masses fall at their feet and follow them. We can be blind or we can pray that God reveals the Truth through the Light of His Word to us.

Maybe this feels too heavy for a devotional, but it is our eternal lives that are at stake. I can't be silent on what I know God has placed on heart to share. I can't be silent on the Truth of the Word. I can't be silent when God says there will be people, many people, that He tells, "I never knew you; depart from me."

Monday, March 4, 2013

Burden Sharing

"Bear one another's burdens,and so fulfill the law of Christ" Galatians 6:2

I know what you are thinking. You're thinking this is going to be about how we need to be there for others and share their burdens. Well, it's not.

Instead, when I read this verse today, I felt God speaking to me that I need to share my burdens with others. I tend to bottle things up and keep things to myself. I believe the lies that others don't want to know my issues and even if they did they have their own issues and don't want to bear mine. I think my problems aren't "important" enough. They aren't big enough to even bother other people with. Of course, there are also those issues that I don't want anyone to even know about. And there are the ones that I think no one can possibly understand what I feel, what I'm going through.

The truth is these are lies. Satan doesn't want us to share our needs, vulnerabilities with others. He wants us to live alone, in fear, shut off from others. He wants us alone, broken. He certainly doesn't want us to share our burdens because then we give someone else the opportunity to fulfill the law of Christ.

So we have to make a choice, I have to make a choice. Do I share my burdens with others or do I keep them to myself?

Sunday, March 3, 2013

He Works It!

"And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

There's this song that plays on the radio that has been going through my mind a lot. (I am so bad with names of groups and songs.) The part that keeps repeating itself is, "You make all things work together for my good" which goes right along with this verse. I am not a musical person so when song lyrics keep going through my mind I know God is speaking to me.

The part of that line that really sticks out is the "You". Of course, the "you" is God. I think, for me at least, that is so important. When I hear people quote this verse they tend to focus on the "those who" and the "work together for good" parts. Not that's bad or anything, but for me I find I focus more on the "God" part.

I know me, I know that I tend to think more about me than I should. I could look at this verse and focus on the fact that almost all of it is about me. Yet, for me the key is God. He makes all things work together for good. It just doesn't happen. It certainly doesn't happen because I love God. The working together for good comes from Him. He does it.

He is the only one who can see how it all works together. He is the only one who sees the good in the hurtful, hard, and scary things. Not that they are good, but He sees how they will work good into me. He sees how they will work together for good in my future. He sees it because He is the One who makes it intertwine into good.

It makes me think about "For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known." 1 Corinthians 13:12 I just see and know things in part. Even when I look back and see how things come together I still won't see all that God sees. I might see the good and experience the good, but not all of it.

So for me, it is really important to know He works things for good, all things. Once again, He does it.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Praying For Others

"I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him, having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints," Ephesians 1:16-18

Lately, I have been reading Piercing the Darkness. I read it a few years ago and saw it recently when I was looking for something. I thought I would read it after I finished another book I was reading. Well, I ultimately put aside the other book. Unfortunately, I had already seen the movie so I was having trouble reading the book. Always read the book first!

Anyway, one of the keys of this book is the impact on the spirit world because of the prayers of Christians. It made me realize how much I need to pray more and when I pray to pray for more than just the surface stuff. I realized that I needed to pray for my spiritual needs and condition more. I also realized that I needed to pray for others and to pray about the spiritual aspects, good and bad, for these people.

Sometimes it is easy to just go through the list of needs that I have and others have and forget about listening to the Spirit and praying accordingly. I feel challenged to make sure that my prayers are focused on things of the Spirit and praying more for others. If I prayed for others more like the verses above I am sure that they would impact the spiritual lives of those that I prayed for.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Even In the Little Things

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7

This verse is quoted over and over again when we are making major decisions in our lives. We are told to not be anxious and take it to God. When we have fears or anxieties we are once again reminded to not be and take it to Him. That is good, and hard to do, but truly it will bring the peace that surpasses all our understanding.

Today I have a “small” anxiety. I honestly and struggling with what to do about a situation. Nothing major, nothing earth shattering, but still important. I clicked on my verse of the day and Philippians 4:6-7 came up. I had to smile because it is the answer. Will I still have to deal with making a choice and how to share the choice without offending? Yes. But I know I can take it to God in prayer and even though I have to have a possibly hard conversation discussion, He will give me His peace.

I need to keep this verse in mind, not just when there is a major decision or fear, but even in the everyday decision. He is there to hear my request and He is waiting to give me His peace.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Sin of Others

(Ezra) "saying: “O my God, I am ashamed and blush to lift my face to you, my God, for our iniquities have risen higher than our heads, and our guilt has mounted up to the heavens. From the days of our fathers to this day we have been in great guilt. And for our iniquities we, our kings, and our priests have been given into the hand of the kings of the lands, to the sword, to captivity, to plundering, and to utter shame, as it is today." Ezra 9:6-7

Ezra has just been informed that the people have allowed their daughters and sons to intermarry with the people of the land. This was forbidden and he is upset about it. He rips his clothes and pulls out his hair and beard. Then he prays the prayer above. The prayer goes beyond these verses, but I thought these two were enough.

Ezra, takes on the sin of others. He heaps himself in with the people who actually sinned, but he didn't do this. He never married someone outside of his people. His sons and daughters didn't intermarry with them. Yet he takes on the sin. Read through the Old Testament and you'll see that one man's sin affects the whole, so Ezra's response is not unusual.

In our day in age it is. Why? Well we don't have to take on the sin of anyone else because Jesus did that for us. So we do not need to rip our clothes and pull out our hair when someone else sins. What I did think while I read this passage was that his response of their-sin-is-mine-sin meant he understood the idea that His people are connected.

Once again, we do not need to take on anyone else's sin, but we tend to respond to the sin of our brothers and sisters with reproach, haughtiness, and condescending. We feel it is our place to condemn, punish, shun. The Scripture clearly tells us how to deal with sin in others and it is done in love. So what if instead we actually did responded with love. Not acceptance of the sin, but love on the person with understanding that we all sin. Love on the person with help, what ever kind God directs us to give them. Love on the person with uplifting in prayer that God will gently convict and correct them. Love on them with help as they go through repentance. Love on them with understanding that there are consequences and they may be hard, but necessary. Just love on them.

I wonder what the Church would be like if we did that.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Can't Live in Crumbs of Rumors

"I admit I once lived by rumors of you; now I have it all firsthand-from my own eyes and ears! I'm sorry-forgive me. I'll never do that again, I promise! I'll never again live on crusts of hearsay, crumbs of rumor."  Job 42:5-6

These are the words that Job speaks after God has given him the what for. Job and his friends were busy spewing what they thought God did and did not do. They used their reason, experience, and even what others had said about God to explain what had happened to Job.

God let them talk. He let them posture and preach to each other about why and how God punishes those who have sinned. Job kept focusing on his own righteousness. God let them talk and then He stepped in. He spoke directly to Job and let him know who He was.

I love Job's response, because I know I can relate and I bet many others can too. How often have I listen to others tell me who God is, how God works, and what He does or does not do. I can honestly say that I have spend more time listening, and believing the crumbs of rumors or crusts of hearsay about God, than I have listened directly from Him. I want to see and hear God for myself. I don't want to just hear about Him. I want to hear Him. I don't just want to just see Him through others. I want to see Him.

I never thought I'd ever say that I wanted to be like Job, but maybe I want to be like him at little bit.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Forget About It

This is from December 29, 2012 and the last "old" devotion. :)

“He concludes, I’ll forever wipe the slate clean of their sins. Once sins are taken care of for good, there’s no longer any need to offer sacrifices for them.” Hebrews 10:17-18

As 2012 is winding down we tend to remember what has happened over the last year. Some of these memories are good and some are bad. The good ones bring smiles to our faces and we want to dwell on them. Unfortunately, the bad ones tend to be the ones that stick with us though.

We dwell on these poor choices, mistakes, sins. Yet, He had told us that once we seek forgiveness, He forgives and He forgets. Isaiah 43:25 tells us so. That is a wonderful promise and we should take hold of it. We should but we have trouble forgetting.

We not only dwell on them we try to think of ways to make things right, to make ourselves pleasing to God. We offer up prayers seeking forgiveness, which He already gave. We offer up compromises and sacrifices hoping to win forgiveness and forgetfulness, once again He already forgave and He has forgotten. Not only has He forgotten, He told us that there is no reason to offer sacrifices, to try to fix it, to try to make up for it.

So, as 2012 turns into 2013 when you think back and those mistakes come to mind, don’t try to make up for them, but rather learn from them and thank Him that He has forgiven and forgotten them.

Thursday, January 17, 2013


This is from December 21, 2012.

“Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.” James 1:12

This is a hard one. No one will ever tell you that this is easy. When we go through a trial it is hard to focus on promises like this one. Instead we feel like God has left us, abandoned us, forgotten us. We don’t seem to hear His voice. We don’t see His hand at work. All we see, hear, and feel is the trial that we are going through.

Even as I was writing this I was reminded that someone else felt the exact same way. He felt abandoned. He felt like God had left. “And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” that is, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” Matthew 27:46. Jesus endured the ultimate trial. He truly was separated from God when He died on the cross. Yet, He did not stay separated from God. He rose again.

As we go through our trial, we need to remember that He is with us. He wants us to remain steadfast. He wants to give us the crown of life. Why, because He loves us. Does it make the trial easier knowing this? Probably not, but it does give us hope that we can remain steadfast and He does reward those that love Him.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Whales of the Sea

This is a new devotion.

"Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, not about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?" Matthew 6: 24-34

The other day I saw on the news that there were a large number of killer whales who were trapped in this small opening in the ice off the coast of Alaska. They came into the area and the water froze around them. They had to jump up into the air through this small opening to get air. Whales are mammals so they need to breathe air by coming up. They showed whales leaping out of the water, four or five at a time. Can you imagine the fear those whales were feeling?

The people of the nearby town wanted ice breaking equipment send there to break the ice and free the whales. Alaska was sending the equipment and it was scheduled to arrive and start breaking up the ice. The news today reported that an unexpected warm current came along and warmed up the water enough to break up the ice and free the whales. The newscaster credited "Mother Nature" with saving those whales. I, however, know that God was the one who sent that unexpected warm current.

See, just like the birds of the air and the whales of the sea, God takes care of us. We feel the fear of being trapped. We don't see any way out. We keep trying to leap up and catch our breath. But we are trapped. We are hopeless. Time is running out. We even come up with a plan to get ourselves out and He steps in an sends us an unexpected solution.

It is hard not to be anxious. It is hard to trust. It is painful and scary. But if the whales of the sea are valued enough by God to set them free of an ice trap, then we can be assured that He loves us even more. How do we know? Because His Word says so.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Open My Eyes to Wisdom

This is from December 18, 2012.

“Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and shrewd in their own sight!” Isaiah 5:21
“Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD, and turn away from evil.” Proverbs 3:7

The last few days I have experienced people voicing reason that seemed to defy rational thought as well as some voices defying the Word of God. Other people nod their heads and agree with them, making them feel that their words are even more right than they even thought before they said them. The thought of “they are wise in their own eyes” kept coming to me. Now, I included two verses related to this but the Word, especially Proverbs, is full of verses just like this.

Last night part of my prayer time included asking God that if I fall into that category that He would reveal it to me. I prayed that my eyes would be open to the Truth. That I would focus on Him and His Word and not my own foolish ideas or thoughts.

We all have times when we are the foolish ones. If we didn’t then we would be perfect and already attained being completely like Christ. We are still very much a work in progress.

The best part is that He has told us how to avoid being fools. We need to fear the Lord and turn away from evil. This fear is not about being terrified of God. It is about reverence for the Lord. If we have reverence for Him then we will look to Him, listen to Him, and honor Him by obeying Him. If we do that we can turn from evil as well.

This is, honestly, easier said than done. We spend a whole lot of time with our own thoughts and we listen to them. We have to allow the Holy Spirit free reign to convict us of our thoughts and words that are wise in our own eyes. The good news is that He will and we can people who speak the Wisdom of the Lord.

Friday, January 11, 2013

How to Get Life, Abundant Life

This is from December 8, 2012. Almost done adding past devotions. :)

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” John 10:10

Satan comes into our lives for one reason and one reason only. He comes to destroy our relationship with God. Sometimes He tries to destroy it even before we have come to have a relationship with Him. Sometimes that doesn't work and we are saved by Christ and then he tries to separate us from Him.

He will use any and all tricks in the book to either steal our relationship with God. Or kill our relationship with God. Or destroy our relationship with God. He will use fear, anxiety, loss, torture, shame, abuse, and on and on.

When he does we have a choice. We can let fear bind us up or we can come to Jesus. We can let anxiety make us question everything and do nothing or we can come to Jesus. We can let loss eat away at us and cause bitterness or we can come to Jesus. We can let torture turn us into those who seek revenge or we can come to Jesus. We can let shame make us hide ourselves or we can come to Jesus. We can let abuse make us believe we deserve it or we can come to Jesus.

We often have no choice over what happens to us, but we have a choice to stop the thief from taking from us the one thing that we desperately need. We can choose to come to Jesus and let Him have all of it. See He already took all of it upon Himself anyway. He took it at the cross. See He’s seen that and done that and defeated that already. When we bring it all, and I mean it all to Jesus, we have that life and have it abundantly that He talks about in John 10:10.

I have always wondered “how do I really get that?” I think He’s told me. I have to give Him every stolen, dead, and destroyed thing that Satan has messed with and He will take it. If He takes, and He will, then what am I left with? Life and it is abundant!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

For Dear Life

This is from December 6, 2012.

"If you'll hold on to Me for dear life," says God. "I'll get you out of any trouble. I'll give you the best of care if you'll only get to know and trust Me. Call Me and I'll answer, be at your side in bad times; I'll rescue you, then throw you a party. I'll give you a long life, give you a long drink of salvation!" Psalm 91:14-16

When I am feeling stressed, out-of-sorts, and sad the last thing I want to do is open up the Word. I don't want to read verses about praising God when I'm feeling like anything but praising Him. I certainly don't want to read verses that tell me what I should be doing. I want to wallow in my feelings.

But this verse gives me a great reason to turn to Him. No, not just turn to Him, but hold onto Him for dear life! He will get me out of any trouble. Now, it may not be quick and it may not be the way that I expect, but He will. He promised, and one thing God can't do is go back on His promises.

He also promises to give me the best care, not just good care, but the best care. All I have to do is trust Him. Yeah, I know, all I have to do is trust, like it's so easy to do. It's not, but it is possible, and if I do then I am sure of the best care possible.

There is so much in these verses. I could go on and on about it, but I guess my favorite part is He will throw me a party. Maybe there won't be balloons and streamers, but it will be a party that only the King of Kings can throw.

So when feeling like you can't hold on any longer, hold on to Him.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

How's Your Fruit

This is from December 4, 2012. The funny thing is this idea has been going through my mind today. God knows exactly what is needed and when!

“Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch can not bare fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.” John 15:4

Lately I have been thinking a lot about the phrase “ye shall know them by their fruit…” Matthew 7:16. Jesus is talking about false teachers, but it applies to me too. I want others to see good fruit in my life. If they see good fruit in me then they will see Jesus. I think that is one of the most important things a Christian can do, be an example of Christ to others.

So how do I know if others are seeing that good fruit? John 15:4 tells us how. We must abide in Him. Abide has multiple meanings, and some of them are really good. I think the best fit is a mix of some I found on “to remain, continue, stay, dwell, reside, to continue in a particular relationship”.

I especially like the last part. If I want to see good fruit in my life, if I want others to see it I need to continue in my relationship with God. I need to spend time with Him. I need to abide in Him.

Then there is that tiny part of the verse that I really love, “…and I in you”. He is a constant relationship with me. He dwells in. He is remains with me no matter where I go and what I go through. I love that!

Monday, January 7, 2013

A God at Hand

This is from December 2, 2012.

“Am I a God at hand, declares the Lord, and not a God far away?” Jeremiah 23:23

This was my Bible verse today on my Bible app. I found it to be a perfect verse.

I am guilty of believing that He is a God far away. There are more times that I think He isn’t near, that He doesn’t see or hear, than there are times that I believe He is close by. There are times that I cry and weep thinking He has forgotten me. There are times when I am angry with Him and I yell at Him. Yup, I yell at God. I think I am a pretty calm person, rational most of the time, but I can become an emotional mess when my heart is hurting and I feel He is far away.

There are many promises in His Word, many verses that tell us what He does and who He is. This one says exactly what I need to hear in those crazed, tantrum moments. He is a God at hand. He is a God who sees what is happening because He is with me. He is a God who hears because He is right there. This makes me smile. This gives me hope. He is a God at hand!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

On Second Thought

This is from November 28, 2012.

"Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love." Ephesians 4:2

Yesterday I was at Wal-Mart and rolled my cart up to the check out. I noticed that the cashier and the customer in front of me didn’t say much. Letting it slide I started putting my groceries on the belt. I didn’t have much and I was thinking about how much I just wanted to get home. The other customer left and it was my turn. I was still putting items on the belt and I heard the cashier start to ring my stuff up.

“What no ‘hello’?” I thought! I mean this is the South where cashiers talk to customers like they are old friends. I was tempted to be annoyed that this Wal-Mart cashier’s silence. Then I looked at her. She looked exhausted. She was an older woman and she leaned on the counter as if her feet were killing her.

I decided to put on my best smile and try to be as cheerful and pleasant as I could be. I felt she needed a kind customer much more than I needed a cashier who said “hello”. There still wasn’t much conversation, this Northern still finds it hard to start conversations with total strangers, but I smiled and spoke kindly to her at the end of the interaction.

I needed a reminder to be patient with others and to not focus on their faults, but rather to be gentle and loving towards them.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Be Careful of Weeds

This is from November 24, 2012.

“One day I walked by the field of an old lazybones, and then passed the vineyard of a lout; They were overgrown with weeds, thick with thistles, all the fences broken down. I took a long look and pondered what I saw; the fields preached me a sermon and I listened: “A nap here, a nap there, a day off here, a day off there, sit back, take it easy—do you know what comes next? Just this: You can look forward to a dirt-poor life, with poverty as your permanent houseguest!” Proverbs 24:30-34

Today I was working in the yard. I planted some tulips and pulling some weeds. I pulled a weed and found it was thorny and a vine. I was glad for my gloves, even though a few thorns got me through them. Then I realized there were lots of them and many were intertwined with some of the plants. I had to get out clippers for the more mature ones that were thick and too hard to just pull out. As I continued to work I realized that they were every where. What should be a nice flowering shrub was almost completely over taken by this weed. I had to pull, tug, cut, and untwine this nasty weed.

Then I felt God speaking to me. He showed me that I am like the shrub. I let harmless little weeds get around my base and then let them grow up with my branches. Before I know it they are wrapping themselves around me. Then I notice the pain of their thorns digging into my branches and their leaves growing up and covering mine. I start to change and instead of looking like a pretty flowering shrub I become a mass of vines.

Then I need the Master Gardener to come and remove the vines. He pulls, tugs, cuts, and untwines. Oh, it hurts! I get my branches pulled out of their place. I see the clippers coming so close to me that I think I'm going to get cut. But then I start to realize that my branches don't hurt anymore. There are no thorns digging into me and no vine intertwined with me. I am free.

How did those thorny vines get wrapped around me in the first place? I let them! Yup, I let those seemingly harmless things into my life. I thought how can it hurt me, it's just a little thing. I can look back over my life and see some of those vines. Thankfully, God has removed them. But I need to ask Him to examine my heart and reveal the vines that are there now. Then I need to let him pull, tug, cut, and untwine those things from my life. Most importantly I need to ask Him to open my eyes to see them little "harmless" weeds for what they are and not allow them to become a part of me. Thankfully, He is the Master Gardener and is always ready to weed to keep His creation beautiful.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

He Knows What I Need

This is from November 20, 2012.

“The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; He knows those who take refuge in Him.” Nahum 1:7

Today I received an email from a friend that I haven’t seen or talked to in quite a few months. She said she was praying for me. I really needed just to get a brief email from her today.

A few minutes ago a friend, who I also haven’t seen in a few months, posted on my Facebook page and simply said that she missed me. I really needed that today as well.

Sometimes it is hard to put into words the day of trouble you are going through. Sometimes it isn’t obvious to anyone else because it isn’t an external trouble, it’s a heart trouble. Sometimes you can’t even put into words for yourself what your day of trouble is.

Even then, God is good and He knows you. He knows that you take refuge in Him. He knows that you need an email, a Facebook post, a card, a call, a hug.

He knows you, take comfort in that and take your refuge in Him.

Soul Uplifter

This is from November 16, 2012.

When my soul is in the dumps, I rehearse everything I know of you…” Psalms 42:6a

We all have moments when our souls are in the dumps. There are the moments when the pain seems unbearable. There are the moments when the world seems to be out to get us. There are moments when it feels like everything good has been stripped away and we are left raw. There are moments of injustice that we can’t understand. There are moments of death; death of dreams; death of relationships; physical death. There seem to be many moments that cause our souls to be in the dumps.

In those moments, David, wrote that he rehearses everything he knows of God. That seems like the most foreign idea to our hurting souls. The last thing our pain wants to do is focus on the goodness of God, the character of God, the love of God. Yet that is exactly what David did and exactly what we need to do.

So the next time that your souls is in the dumps trying remembering all that He is and see what it does for your soul.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Be Still and Know

This is from November 10, 2012

“Be still and know that I am God” Psalm 46:10

I have to admit this is one verse that I need to be reminded of more than almost any other one.

There are some many areas in ours lives where our minds start whirling out of control with anxious thoughts, what-ifs, plans, and fears. I have heard that women’s brains work sort of like a web. Everything is connected. That means if we start thinking about one area of our lives it makes us think about another area and then another area and so on. That means that we can quickly go from just fine to stressed thoughts. I know this verse is for everyone, male and female, but I think it is one that women need to hold onto a little bit more.

A couple of days ago I was on a spiritual high and by the next day I felt like I crashed. Nothing happened to me, but I felt worn out and emotional. I felt like I had nothing to give. Not a great feeling! My mind started to focus on the unknown and that led to thinking about things I couldn’t control and that that led to feeling useless. All of this happened in just one day.

Then I saw this verse and I knew exactly what I needed to do. I need to be still and know that He is God. My spiritual high was because of Him. The unknown is in His hands. The things I can’t control are in His hands. All of me is in His hands. He uses me as I need to be used.

Therefore, I can be still and know that He is God.